Basic Customer API Documentation

1. Connecting

The base url for the application is provided by your supplier, this needs to be prefixed to all the API endpoints in the documentation below.

All of the API endpoints require headers to be set to authenticate the request. These are:


$headers = [
    'api-key' => '123-456-789'

2. Testing Connection

To test everything is running correctly, you can ping the system by issuing a GET request to the following API endpoint



    "message": "You have successfully connected to the customer ping API endpoint",
    "result": true

If have any issues, you will get an error message back indicating what went wrong.

    "result": false,
    "error": "You are not authenticated to use this endpoint"


    "result": false,
    "message": "The api key passed was not valid [2]"

Products API Documentation

1. Endpoints